Our HR Coach Network Members are supported by our cutting-edge research, proprietary tools, and products underpinned by extensive research and development investment.
Our key proprietary tools helping our Network Members grow their businesses include STAR Workplace Program, Fusion Culture Program, DiSC Profiling, Career Monitor and Business Health Check.
Find out more below.
STAR Workplace Program
Our Gold level of products, one your business won't be able to live without!
The STAR Workplace Program understands that measuring satisfaction of employees is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to people performance; in fact research from MIT Sloan Business School indicates that it is only 25% of what really counts.
The STAR Workplace Program measures more than just satisfaction, it also covers:
Employee alignment
Employee commitment
Employee loyalty
Employee performance

Benchmarking these key drivers against the Strategic Action Model and Industry standards allows businesses to see the full picture of people performance and alignment within their business - not just the tip of the iceberg!
The STAR Workplace Program has been used since 2008 to survey thousands of workers across all industries and organisation sizes.
During our research, HR Coach found that there was a gap in the market for businesses in the small to medium sized sector, to effectively create great workplaces and gain the recognition they deserved for their efforts. Terminology like 'Employer of Choice' may have implications for the corporate market, but lacks a tangible result for SME's.
The STAR Workplace Program was designed to address this gap and identify organisations that are committed to creating an engaged and productive workplace. This means organisations where both the Employer and Employees have high levels of satisfaction with the workplace, and there is a clear focus on making strategy happen.
Any organisation, regardless of size, can be a STAR Workplace!
Fusion Culture Program

We've been researching the SME market since 2008. Over that time, one thing became clear: Culture drives Performance. Building on our research, we have built a tool that helps businesses understand their culture and work towards where they want to be.
When people talk about the culture of a business, they are usually basing that perception on one interaction or one employee. We want Australasian businesses to understand their 10 key culture drivers and work towards unlocking their true value.
Our process is custom built for the demands of the SME market in Australasia. Participants can access their survey from anywhere they can access emails. Business can build plans with real people that are results focused.
Everything DiSC Profiles
HR Coach Network Members are accredited in Everything DiSC, which is the most advanced behavioural profiling tool used by millions of people globally. Improving Business Performance Through Improved Communication.
Everything DiSC Profiles include individual and team assessments, to help participants gain insight into their own behaviour and a better understanding of others.

Your business can use the Everything DiSC suite of tools, to build more effective relationships, one relationship at a time and improve the quality of the workplace.
Specific programs available include:
Workplace Profiles
Management Profiles
Sales Profiles
Leadership Profiles
PXT Select
Career Monitor

Effective employee development and retention is a key issue for most organisations. Through careful evaluation and research, the HR Coach Research Institute has developed the Career Monitor management process to proactively manage retention, focusing on the factors of 'what is needed' and 'what works'.
The Retention Interview using the Career Monitor is a tried and tested model for both feedback and management data.
How Does It Work?
The Career Monitor is an ongoing employee development and retention initiative that uses research based quantitative interviews, to provide risk and opportunity analysis for an individual employees circumstance. A multifaceted view of their job, their peers and culture and the organisation provides a clear and concise evaluation of whether the employment relationship is at risk as well as identifying future areas of mutual opportunity.
Employers are armed with information to gain a clear perspective on the business including why people join and why they stay. Due to the quantitative analysis, employers will also know how to prioritise each aspect within 3, 6 and 12 month time frames.
The Career Monitor program can be used in conjunction with:
Probation Reviews
Performance Reviews
Individual Talent Management Programs
Performance Management Interventions
Pre-Exit Analysis
Key Employee Retention Programs
Annual Survey as part of a HR Plan
Capacity Risk Mapping as part of a Strategic Review
New Employee Survey in line with the STAR Workplace Business Improvement Program
Business Health Check
When was the last time you gave your business a health check?
Is your business performing as well as it could be, our comprehensive business health check can weigh in on what your doing well and what areas can be improved..
There are so many factors that contribute to the success of small to medium businesses, and doing a business health check regularly ensures you are heading in the right direction.
Our Business Health Check is an online business diagnostic benchmarking on how your business is performing across six key metrics: strategy, finance, marketing, process, systems and internal business people and corporate responsibility.
Each area is rated providing you with a snapshot of key areas for management focus and action planning for the success and growth of your business.

Contact us to find out weather your business activity is aligned with your strategy and if you are on track to meet your business goals.