I’ve spent years developing my reputation and profile in the market as a leading HR professional within the region. Within the granite belt, I had reached as far as I could go with the limited corporate opportunities, without moving to the city. My thirst for knowledge and natural ability as a coach would always plateau in traditional corporate roles. Going out on my own was necessary for my future satisfaction and growth.
Regionally small businesses are the backbone to our community. My husband is typical of the wonderful employers in the region who invest locally. I wanted to support businesses like these, use my existing skills and grow my capability beyond traditional HR.
The HR Coach opportunity provides a framework to work effectively with clients over the long term. We work in partnership to create positive change and strong results in their businesses.
The HR Coach Academy was a focused, intensive education program. We developed a wide range of solutions from the tool kit that is appropriate for businesses in my region. I also developed clear goals and outcomes for my business.
I am looking forward to working to create sustainability within the Granite Belt region while creating a future for me that is professional satisfying and promotes my growth.
I control my future
Good solid Intellectual Property – provides a strong foundation
Unique business model which supports my individual business plan
I am working alongside 60 other like minded colleagues around Australia.
Coaching to develop sustainable local businesses is a key priority.

Corinne Butler
Tweak HR